Jesus Christ Lord Of All Evangelistical Ministry Inc., Logo

(631) 334-3996

Bible, Sunset and Sky

Boys, Youth Worship Services in Deer Park, NY

Vision & Leadership at Our Evangelistical Church in Deer Park, New York

The Purpose of Our Existence

JCLA is where ministry means empowering people to fulfill their God-ordained destiny. Empowering them to embody, Mark 16:15-18: And He said to them, "Go into all the world preaching the gospel to every creature, teaching them, he who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned."

We strongly affirm the truth of Holy Scriptures, "…and that these signs will follow those who believe: In the name of Jesus they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover." –Mark 16:15-18 (paraphrased). "It is our mission to ensure that when Jesus returns, He will find faith in the earth" –Luke 18:8.

The Vision for Our Existence

The Vision God imparted to us, and called Apostle and Bishop Taylor to reveal, is to manifest the Kingdom power and anointing through oneness of mind and heart–just as it was manifested in the Upper Room on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2.

By walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, evidenced in Acts 2 of the Holy Scriptures, God empowered the believers who waited with one accord. We believe God is still empowering believers today, according to Hebrews 13:8, which states that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Girls, Youth Worship Services in Deer Park, NY

The Mission for Our Existence

Our mission is to take the message of the Cross, the Love of God, and the Word of God throughout the region God has given us to evangelize. We want to transform lives, renew minds, and destroy every yoke of bondage from the adversary.

Apostle and Bishop, Youth Worship Services in  Deer Park, NY

Our Leadership

Apostle and Bishop Taylor walk in obedience, building the Kingdom according to God's specifications. Their vision is to teach believers the truth–that Jesus came, and that we would have life more abundantly according to John 10:10. Additionally, we aim to teach that those who Jesus sets free are free indeed, as written in John 8:36.

The Apostle and Bishop have been married for 24 years and are the parents of seven children. They are adamant about teaching our young people how to live righteous lives of integrity, without compromising their God-centered values.

Our additional leadership at JCLA are Youth Pastor, Wynisha N. Certain, Assistant Youth Pastor, Tina Robinson and Elder, Alice Nelson.
Through their vision, JCLA has a thriving youth ministry, where the gifts and talents of every individual are nurtured and encouraged. Our youth are taught to know the Word of God and not let emotionalism lead them in making decisions.They are taught to take responsibility for their actions and decisions. In addition, they are taught to be worshippers of God, rather than spectators. Apostle and Bishop Taylor are excellent examples of living according to the Word of God.

Contact us today to learn more about joining our loving Evangelistical church in Deer Park, New York.